19 de fevereiro de 2012
6 Reasons You Need to Charge More
I’m a reluctant Capitalist. I didn’t grow up with a lot of money (my dad was a country preacher, and my mom was a schoolteacher), and the transition from academia to building a start-up and then running my own consulting firm has been rocky at times. The one thing I still hear almost every week is “You need to charge more,” and I preach the same message to new SEOs even as I try to remember it. This post is a reminder to myself (and to you) of why what you charge matters, and why it’s not just about greed.
The Startup’s Guide to Bootstrapping Marketing
Twelve years ago, marketing was a primary recipient of the mountains of cash thrown at start-ups in an effort to grow fast. But over the past two to three years, I don’t see many new businesses that couldn’t bootstrap their marketing in their formative months or years.
Top 20 Franchises For The Buck
Not getting paid what you’re worth (or not getting paid at all) and want to start your own gig? For those who don’t have the patience, capital or guts to generate sales from scratch, franchising can make a lot of sense—though not all brands deliver the same return on investment.
Not getting paid what you’re worth (or not getting paid at all) and want to start your own gig? For those who don’t have the patience, capital or guts to generate sales from scratch, franchising can make a lot of sense—though not all brands deliver the same return on investment.
Parenting Advice That Also Applies to Entrepreneurship
I’ve learned a lot about parenting from being an entrepreneur and vice versa. I detailed some of my lessons a few months ago here. I’m a big fan of crossover advice and transferable lessons. Really, who wants to have to learn the same thing twice? During a recent conversation that I had with a few pregnant entrepreneurs I found myself really driving home the value of leveraging the lessons that entrepreneurship has taught you for parenting. This made me curious about more “crossover” advice. What else do experts see to be true about not only their area of specialty but also their experience of entrepreneurship? Over the next couple weeks, we will explore how parenting, design, and wellness advice also applies to your business.
Design Advice That Also Applies to Entrepreneurship
This is post 2 of 3 in an exploration of transferable business lessons. Last week we looked at parenting advice that also applies to entrepreneurship. This week our focus is on design. I asked several gurus with different backgrounds to weigh on what design has to teach us about business.
Wellness Advice That Also Applies to Entrepreneurship
This is the third post in a series that explores transferable business lessons. So far we’ve looked at both parenting advice and design advice that also applies to entrepreneurship. This week our focus is on wellness. I asked several gurus with different backgrounds to weigh on how to keep ourselves and our businesses healthy.
18 de fevereiro de 2012
"Como ser empreendedor em tempos de austeridade"
Artigo no Diário Económico sobre o seminário "Empreender e Inovar em Tempos de Crise", com a participação do PPL.
"O Crowdfunding é uma boa aposta para um jovem empreendedor, porque é uma forma de fazer primeiro um teste ao mercado, por exemplo, para depois partir para um investimento tradicional, já com um apoio vasto e reconhecimento no mercado"
"O Crowdfunding é uma boa aposta para um jovem empreendedor, porque é uma forma de fazer primeiro um teste ao mercado, por exemplo, para depois partir para um investimento tradicional, já com um apoio vasto e reconhecimento no mercado"
Inovar não basta: é preciso ser empreendedor e exportar
Ter ideias inovadoras não chega. É preciso transformá-las em bons projetos, com visão empreendedora, e pensar sempre na internacionalização dos produtos. O mercado nacional é demasiado pequeno para os investimentos que a inovação exige por parte das empresas. Foram estas algumas das conclusões do quinto debate Made in Portugal organizado pelo DN, dedicado ao tema "A Inovação em Portugal". O painel contou com Sérgio Simões (Bluepharma), Miguel Pina Martins (Science4you), José Mendes (Universidade do Minho), Sérvulo Rodrigues (ES Ventures) e Manuel Teixeira (ANJE). Os intervenientes defenderam que Portugal deve apostar no sector para subir no 'ranking' da inovação e... das exportações
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